Chop and Change
Barbara Deary
Barbara Deary
Hi, this is one of the very nice books that i read. This book talks about a sister and a brother tha
t act as a team that can do everything because they are very special. The boy name is Simon, he is the age of 13, he is blond and he is very solar and he is very strong for last thing he would wont to become president. The sister name is Susan, she is 13, she is dark for her hair and she is normal for the color o the skin. She is very intelligent and she has the iq o 300 and she would wont to become a scientist and ind the cure o the cancer, she can find a solution allways and she is in search of a boy that can do the thing's that she can do for example calcolate math problems in the have of a second.
One day of Dicember the parents of Susan and Simon live them at home with their grandmother and go out to eat. During the night someone comes and knocks
on the door the grandmother goes to see who is there and finds a strange man with an ash. The grandmother isen't very intelligent and because of this she invites the strange man or a tee. Hours ater the man kills the grandmother. Susan and Simon see him do that and call the police but because of the storm they cant call the police so they elaborate a plan. The plan was creating a big coup with the sand and the incenerator that they created, they would put the coup out of the enterance door and mace sounds out of it so the killer would go out and fallin it. The plan was created and they needed to find someone to send ou so they decided that Simon would go out after this they captured the killer and waited for the sun and the police to come.
Some ours after the police came and got the criminal that was very famous because of the people that he killed. The police gave them some money and they used it in more inventions. The family was very happy but they where very sad because o the grandmother. With all this the story ended and the two brothers returned to their normal life the one of creating new things for the humanity.

One day of Dicember the parents of Susan and Simon live them at home with their grandmother and go out to eat. During the night someone comes and knocks

Some ours after the police came and got the criminal that was very famous because of the people that he killed. The police gave them some money and they used it in more inventions. The family was very happy but they where very sad because o the grandmother. With all this the story ended and the two brothers returned to their normal life the one of creating new things for the humanity.
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