Trojan horse
Mathieu Handsome
This is a very funny book. It should be the summary of what happened lot of years ago when gun's didn't exist and you needed to use horses instead of cars. I hope you will en
joy this book.

It happened all a lot of time a go when you didn't exist and when you hadn't cars and when electricity didn't exist.
There was one upping a time a you man whose name was achilli, he had 25 years and he was very nice he could have all the girls of the earth, people thud that his mom was a god and that when he was burned he was putted in a lake where you could GE immortality. He was putted in that lake but not all body a pice didn't enter that lake, do you know what pice? Maybe but the answer is that the pice loosing was the toe. You will think that it is impossible that
someone would think to get that part but the son of the king of troj killed him because of that part I will write you the story of the Trojan horse. It started all when Elena wen't to troy and the brother of Agamemnon was so Hungary that he prepared an army to conquer the city. Ten years after the friend of Ackley go the idea of creating a big horse like present and putting inside a lot of men. Some men for open the doors. Hours after the army got inside and conquered the city the son of the king killed Ackley but the city was still lost.There is a nother book on the return of Ulisse a very nice story full of action and mystery's.
I would congratulate with author and i would say you to read this book.
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